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Does A Fence Increase Appraisal Value?

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When it comes to real estate, many people wonder whether or not a fence increases appraisal value. At Pacific Fence & Wire, we thought we’d look into this question. Does a fence increase appraisal value?

There are certainly wrinkles in the appraisal process that affect price and perceived value. And, of course, different appraisers have different methods. But we’re happy to report that yes, indeed, a fence can increase a home’s appraisal value.

KIMG0176Reasons to Add Fencing Before Appraisal

Why? There are several reasons. Fences add more than just visual appeal. They also provide things that homeowners and potential home buyers appreciate, including:

  • Curb appeal
  • Privacy
  • Security
  • Serenity
  • Boundaries for front yard and backyard
  • Protection (for yourselves, your pets and children, your lawn, etc.)
  • Good fences make for good neighbors

“Fencing materials play an integral role in determining the overall home value during appraisal,” writes the staff at

In addition to those things listed above, there is, of course, the visual appeal, which can be striking. There are so many styles, fence materials (metal, wood fences, concrete, cast iron, chain link fencing, etc.), and designs for fences.

Heights, lengths, and colors can be mixed and matched to startling contrast. Or fences can be more subtle, matching both the materials and architecture of the home itself.

In short, a yard fence can absolutely increase the appraisal value.

What Kind Of Fence Do You Prefer?

What’s your preference? A metal fence? That ol’ standby, the wooden fence? Either one can become an integral and important part of the home itself.

Installing a fence is one of the best things you can do to increase your home’s value. Home improvement certainly includes finding a type of fence that enhances the appearance and security of your home.

We’d say it’s crucial! It’s the one thing most likely to attract a potential buyer in the first place. That’s why a house with a fence is high on the list of features that homebuyers search for.

When it’s time to partner with a fence contractor, contact Pacific Fence & Wire. We’ve been in business for almost 100 years!

Appraisal Experts

According to, one of the things that buyers consider “must haves” is a fence. And more often than not, they want one that’s already installed.

Century 21 agrees.

“If you’re trying to sell a house,” they write, “the appearance of a fence adds value to the home overall. Buyers with children or pets will appreciate the privacy and security of an enclosed backyard.”

While there is no standard, guaranteed formula for calculating the increase in appraisal value of a home with a fence, there is strong evidence in favor of fencing.

“When it comes down to the question of, ‘Does a fence increase home value?” writes, “it all depends on what materials you use, your neighborhood, what local buyers are looking for, and the condition you keep it in.”

Pacific Fence & Wire: Your Northwest Fencing Experts

Let Pacific Fence & Wire help you find the perfect fence for you and your home.

Give us a call today! Or request an estimate.

We look forward to speaking with you.